This case study is about a family law firm located in the Central Florida area. The value of PPC advertising in family law marketing strategy really showed itself in 2020 and 2021 for many clients. COVID forced everyone online more, and, unfortunately, we became more isolated from the outside world. This made it hard for traditional media to be effective, and made digital methods even more effective than before. We have clients generating 80+% of their cases from this family law marketing strategy we are about to walk through below. Today, we’ll show you a Google Ads strategy currently in use by a divorce & family law client of ours that allows them to get 45+ high quality leads each month from PPC alone. This client had a very strong September 2020 and ended with well over 100 quality leads for the month when accounting for PPC & SEO. Not bad considering it was mid-Pandemic.


Firm size: 1 lawyer with 4 paralegals
Location: Metro area in Florida

Their Goal

Generate additional leads through Google Ads Search campaigns. Maximize leads while keeping costs below $125/lead.

The Strategy

PPC Budget: $5,500/month
SEO Budget: $1,000/month


Men who need a divorce/family lawyer
Higher-Income males
Paid Search ads on Google targeting certain low-funnel searches
Utilize gender-specific targeting, ads, & landing pages

Key Aspects to the Success of this Strategy

Gender segmented campaigns

  • We segment our campaigns by gender for family law firms to drive maximum value. Men only see ads & landing pages that are tailored to them. For example, a divorce for men landing page will have a headline of “Divorce Lawyer for Men.”

Proper landing pages for mobile

  • Landing page design and performance is critical when you are spending money on each click. We must convert the traffic, or it’s worthless. Mobile landing pages must load in 3 seconds or less and influence calls/forms.

Income targeting

  • Family law leads can have a reputation for being low quality because many may be unable to afford your services. We only target the upper 50% of income earners to increase the likelihood that a lead can pay a $2,000-$4,000+ retainer.

Lead reception

  • Our best clients are willing to improve their lead reception process. The first time someone calls your firm they need to be met with a person on the other line who can schedule a call. It’s not the best idea to answer your own calls from an outside perspective, and can actually make you look small. We recommend a call answering service for solo attorneys because it’s affordable and makes your firm seem larger to a prospect.

Google Ads Performance for Family Law Firm

Clicks: 217
Impressions: 2,258
Click-through Rate: 9.61%
Avg. CPC: $23.95
Amount Spent: $5,197.63
Conversions (Call or Form Submission): 51.90
Cost Per Conversion: $100.15
Conversion Rate: 23.95%
Leads: 45
Cost Per Lead: $115.50

CallRail Lead Breakdown

This lead breakdown explains more about the conversions generated from the Google Ads campaign and all leads for the month. Sometimes one person will call and submit a form which counts as 2 conversions in Google Ads. CallRail’s form will show us the actual lead count which is often less than the Google Ads conversion count.

Total leads: 103
Raw leads from Google Ads: 45
Total Calls: 87
Average Call Duration: 4 min 8 sec
Google Ads Average Call Duration: 4 min 24 sec

Ready to scale your family law firm to 100+ active case files? Contact us to get a FREE proposal!